Sunday 8 October 2017

Hello friends !

here i'm going to paste a link you get regitered there and earn money .

Friends its an original ptc site . i have earned money from this site . so now i'm sharing with you guys ,so that you also get registered and earn a handsome amount

Use the link mention above  to generate traffic and earn money 5$ for every unique visitor that clicks your link.
Good places to start posting your link are social websites like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Youtube, forums, chat rooms, blogs, etc.

Tuesday 13 June 2017

Earn money by teaching online

How someone can earn money by teaching online ?

Dear viewers ! if you are good in any subject like physics ,chemistry , biology  or any subject related to any branch of engineering you can teach others through online websites and earn a handsome salary . 

I'm here to tell you that it is possible and how you can do this ?

there are many sites which offers online jobs for good tutors .if you are good in teaching you can find your students online , you can teach them and they 'll pay you in return .

i'm going to mention here some websites . you can go there ,sign up , make your account and start working .
  • wizlQ
  • TutorHub
  • Sophia
  • LiveMind
  • AceMywork
  • happy Tutors
  • Tutor Vista

These are confidential sites .you can work on these sites with confident .simply you go there make an account fulfill there requirements and earn money .some websites require your degree of intermediate ,graduation or masters . so you need to upload a file regarding to your certificate .
i have done work on some sites like AceMywork and .  you can see below 

  • wizlQ

it is one of the most popular site for teaching/tutoring . you can signup by searching it or through link given below

The best site and most popular place where you can go and teach the others , make assignments ,do homework and earn dollars .
i have also done work on this site . you can make account by using link given below . so go there and earn money .

  • Sophia
It is a new site where  thousands of scholars share there different ideas ,knowledge and teaching methodologies .
you can make account by using following link

  • LiveMind
It is very nice place for teachers and tutors . here tutors set their rates and timings with the students their own .
link given below for this site

  • TutorHub

It is a site where student can find answers of theirs questions very easily . so this site is not only beneficial for teachers but also for students . any student can post his/her question ,the professional scholar will answer it and you have to pay or it .
so make account and change your life 
signup by link given here 

  • Happy tutors
A free place where tutors and students can find what they want .students can find the solutions of their problems and tutors/teachers can solve the problems , assignments and homework and earn money 
follow the following link for it

you can also make account and work here . both scholars and students can work here . students  can question and know their answer teachers can work and earn money 

Dear viewers ! follow me for more articles .
give me suggestions to make my blog more useful for you .

comment any question or any topic of article .

Friday 19 May 2017

How I can earn money by working online ?

How i can earn money  by working online  ?

people mostly search such type of things on google . those people which have no employment or they are still jobless . now i'm here to help them to teach them that how they can earn online money ? 
so you people now no need to worry keep in touch with my blog and learn easy ways to earn online money and get rich in a very short period .
                    if you people have skills you can earn a handsome amount by working online . there are many confidential sites , you can work their and earn money ,
                                               I have made a comprehensive study about such type of online websites and now i'm this able that i can tell you people that which websites are confidential . you can work their confidently and earn money . 

so following are different type of websites :
  • Fiver
  • presto
  • online survey sites 
  • PTC sites 
  • get paid for searching different websites 
  • online market trading websites 
  • you can start your own website
  • Earning through blog writing 
  • Earn money through facebook pages 
  • Earn money by making your own channal on youtube 
  • Freelancing
  • upwork 
i'll describe each and every website in detail in my later articles . so viewers keep in touch with my later articles on online earning . 

Now question is that which type of skills are very useful to earn money online ?

i'm going to describe some types of skill here .
  • Designing
If any body has skills of designing any thing , any model 2D or 3D  , logo design . creative design etc you can earn a handsome salary by working online on different sites . on such type of sites actually you deal with your client , your client will  provide you the description of his design and his budget . you will have to deal with him you will accept his proposal and work on it . 
                                                                          you will compete this project within a given time by your client , handover this finalized project to your client and in return you will receive money 5$,10$ ,50$ as you had made deal with your client . 
                                                                           if you want to work, you are interested in designing but you don't know how to work , how to design the logo ?. you will have to learn about it . you can learn logo design easily by using different software , some of them i'm mentioning here below .
  • Adobe photoshope
  • Illustrator  
using above mentioned software you can first learn the things and then earn .
you can also learn from youtube video tutorials and in this way you learn in a very short time and then earn money . you can work on fiver or you can become a  good freelancer on any freelancing website . 

  • writing

You can also earn money if  you are a good writer. if you can write effective articles on any topic . there are many websites which can hire you for their articles . they will pay you a handsome amount per article . these websites or client on different other websites can pay you 3$,5$ or 10$  according to their articles . client provide you topic ,you will have to made a comprehensive research on that topic and write an article . this thing can also very beneficial for your self . it 'll increase your knowledge ,your English can be good if you are not good at English as well as you'll earn a handsome salary  .for writing you can work on 
  •  PRESTO 
  •  FREELANCING websites .
How you make an account on such type of
websites ?
If you have an email account you can easily make an account on an y such websites which i have mentioned above . when you have an account you just simply login your name ,enter password and start working . 
                             on some websites you must have a master cared  , paypal or pioneer (debit card ) account number for your payments . and also to proceed the account settings for example on freelancing.

I'll describe  further details about each website one by one in my later articles .


  so viewers see my blog ,read my article and put your suggestions and questions in comments .thanks !

Thursday 27 April 2017


This is the most common question which is asked by almost every one from himself or from google . 
That how can i get success in my life ? How can i become an international or national  cricketer? How can i become a good singer ?How can i become a musician ?How can i become a business man ?How can i become a professor ?How can i become a scientist ?

these are the common questions which we ask . 

Dear viewers !  my this article will provide help to all of you , to get success in their desire field and to live a happy life .because when you want to live a happy and prosperous life you must have to convert your dreams into reality .

 The different steps which i have concluded are as follows :-

Try these steps and get success .

Step No. 1


Yes the first step you must have to do is that you should think , what you want to do in your life ?
you want to write a book ? 
you want to become a singer ?
you want to start a business ?
you want to run a school ?
you want to become a hacker ?
simply here i want to say that first you should thin about the goal of your life . because without a goal or mind set you can never get success . i suggest you people think about one goal focus on it do hard work and get success .


After  deciding your goal of life , think about different type of ideas to fulfill your dreams into reality . when you think about one thing which is the  main purpose  of your life , your mind starts planing and show you different ways and techniques to meet them .
dear viewers you know very well that every think in under the sun and in this world which is invented by human beings is the result of an idea . 
  • Invention  of bulb was an idea of edison .
  • Mobile phone was an idea of martin cooper .
  • computer was invented by Charles Babbage, and he is the father of this idea or you can say this invention .
  • invention of wheel was also an idea .
  • even every thing which we are using ( from needle to  space shuttle ) is due to the idea .
so viewers create new ideas and get success .


Stop thinking about multiple goals . think only about one goal or aim of life  and get hard work and reach the destination . when you think about multiple things or try to do the multitasking  you  only destruct and can't do even one thing . someone who try or thing about one aim of his life he/she works on it for few days and then he leaves it uncompleted  and starts thinking about another idea or thing he again works on it for few days and then again leaves it for nothing . even he repeats this behavior again and again he can never get success . 
so focus on one passion and get success.


once you have decided your aim or goal of your life, that what you want to do in your life .
now the only thing you should do is hard working .  hard working not only for one or two days , it should be for years . it is the main key of success. 



Monday 10 April 2017


Be A Millionaire:-

Dear viewers !

How it sound to you ,when you think or fantasize that you are a millionaire . I think its an amazing sound to you . But the question  which raises with this thinking is that !


The answer and the things you have to do for it are very simple and easy , but the one thing  which is needed is to become a millionaire is the '' passion and regularity'' . 

Viewers ! in the present age who doesn't want to become a millionaire ? who doesn't want that is his bank account remain full all the time ? who  doesn't want to purchase every happiness of life ?

'' i think every one wants to become a millionaire in a short time and wants to enjoy a happy life ''
although we know that we can't buy every happiness of life with money but its a general concept that that if i have millions of dollars i can live a life of royals and its a reality .   and  money a basic need of every person in this modern age  . 

But with the thinking of becoming a millionaire every one just think that how i can do that ?

How i can earn money in a short time and full my bank account ?

viewers! i have studied the life and biography of  hundreds of millionaires from all over the world .
and after this long study and research i think that i'm able enough to tell you that '' how every one can  become a millionaire ? . even when he/she starts from nothing .

Most of the millionaire's  life's biography says that they took a start from nothing and today people call them millionaire . According to a report in america 3000,00 new millionaires added to the total figure of  10.4 million . and it is increasing 4 to 5 percent each year . And china has more millionaires then USA. It means that it also depends upon the economy of a country . but not so much 
 in this article i'm going to share with you information or you can say the top most secrets of becoming millionaire .
i concluded from my recent study about business, millionaires and  entrepreneurship that All the millionaires have some certain things and secrets and they repeat them again and again .

so what are these secrets and habits ? i'll share with you viewers , in this article .

Now i'm going to share some quotes of millionaires that what they say ?.

  • One millionaire says :-



'So Viewers  you can see that first step towards  to be a millionaire is' 

  • To learn the special things which provide you help to become a rich man '.
I know now you are thinking about what are these small things or attitudes which you have to change in your life ,in your daily routine and in your life style.
you follow the life style , habits and manners of millionaires over and over again .
don't think that how these small changes make you millionaire in the start . these small changes bring great results and consequences at the end . and as a result you 'll become a rich man .

'' The law of cause and effect says the same things and  strategies ''

It says , apply the strategies and techniques of  successful people or you can say  millionaires for a long time . Do  these things again and again and consequently you ' ll win  and become a millionaire .

 The law of action and reaction says:

'' Do the action and in result you will get some type of reaction . in here the meaning of action is to change your thinking ,to change your attitudes , and follow the things which have done by successful men of the world , and in reaction you ' ll  also become  a millionaire . 

viewers ! In next article i 'll share with you the more secrets and ideas to become a millionaire , to become a successful man .
so  every one can become a millionaire .

what you think about it dear viewers ?

 share  your ideas and suggestions for my blog ....


Friday 7 April 2017


Health is wealth !

Dear viewers i ask a question from you ,

  • why it is commonly said that health is wealth ?

i know most of people from you will answer of this question in a very simple way  and that is no body can enjoy a joyfull & proper  life without a good health ,without a healthy body and mind . so its very simple to keep your self healthy and enjoy a prosprous life . I use the word prosperous here i know its not an appropriate word here according to many of my viewers also ,but the Question is that how  some one can do his job or his work when he is not healthy enough?. he/she has not a healthy body and mind to do the things in well manner and accuratly . 
                                                                                                some one  with bad health cannot enjoy the pleasure of being wealthy. Health is more valuable than money. Money cannot buy health and happiness. but it is also reality that no body can earn mony and become millionaire or billionaire without his health. if we take a look into the student life we can learn many things from it . A student  can not perform his duty well he/she can not study his/her lessons books , literature,  whatever properly he/she can not pass his exam with good grades If he/she has not a healthy body and mind .similarly a business man can not perfom his work if he is healthy enough and will fail with the time and  lost his business slowly , because if he/she is not healthy he can not work properly he/she can not compete with the other business men and other companies ( in the case of company ) , and at the end he'll become loser .
                                  similary a teacher, professor , an engineer , solider . Any body related to any field of life  should place his/her health and physically fitness on first position in his/her periorty list to become a successfull man .and we also know that only a healthy body is not important but health of  both the body & mind are necessary . so if you want to keep your self  complete healthy ,take the care of  not only your body but mind also , beacuse it is commonly said that a healty body has a healthy mind .

  • Now the question is that how some body can keep him self  healthy and fit?

Our health and physiacall fitness depends upone many factors .the most important is the food which we eat and its routine .

  •  And the others are below :-

Our daily routine 


Sleeping time


Manage stress 

sports/game time  

Introduction of this blog

Hello Dear viewers !

I hope you all will be fine shine , i'm also good .viewers first of all i'm going to tell to about my this blog . this blog is about the successfull  people ,about their lives ,theirs dreams ,their whole biography.

  •  That what were their dreams?
  • what were their aims ?.
  •  How they changed their dreams into reality?.
  • what where their rules ?.
  • what type of daily routine the adopted ?.
  • How they became successful at the end of their lives ?.
  • And now how ther are enjoying their lives ?.

In other words you can say that its a motivational blog . many people or you can say that every body  thinks about the successfull men and they want to become like them .they want to obey them .they want to follow them . they want to follow their life style . so i think a lot about it and consequently i decided to make this blog . viewers i hope that my this blog help every body to change his life . to covert his/her dreams  into reality . i will bring the stories of all successfull men women from all over the word for you and i hope that it'll very helpful for you in your aims and dreams .
So Dear viewers i request to all of you visit my blog regularly and chang your lives.
