Friday 7 April 2017


Health is wealth !

Dear viewers i ask a question from you ,

  • why it is commonly said that health is wealth ?

i know most of people from you will answer of this question in a very simple way  and that is no body can enjoy a joyfull & proper  life without a good health ,without a healthy body and mind . so its very simple to keep your self healthy and enjoy a prosprous life . I use the word prosperous here i know its not an appropriate word here according to many of my viewers also ,but the Question is that how  some one can do his job or his work when he is not healthy enough?. he/she has not a healthy body and mind to do the things in well manner and accuratly . 
                                                                                                some one  with bad health cannot enjoy the pleasure of being wealthy. Health is more valuable than money. Money cannot buy health and happiness. but it is also reality that no body can earn mony and become millionaire or billionaire without his health. if we take a look into the student life we can learn many things from it . A student  can not perform his duty well he/she can not study his/her lessons books , literature,  whatever properly he/she can not pass his exam with good grades If he/she has not a healthy body and mind .similarly a business man can not perfom his work if he is healthy enough and will fail with the time and  lost his business slowly , because if he/she is not healthy he can not work properly he/she can not compete with the other business men and other companies ( in the case of company ) , and at the end he'll become loser .
                                  similary a teacher, professor , an engineer , solider . Any body related to any field of life  should place his/her health and physically fitness on first position in his/her periorty list to become a successfull man .and we also know that only a healthy body is not important but health of  both the body & mind are necessary . so if you want to keep your self  complete healthy ,take the care of  not only your body but mind also , beacuse it is commonly said that a healty body has a healthy mind .

  • Now the question is that how some body can keep him self  healthy and fit?

Our health and physiacall fitness depends upone many factors .the most important is the food which we eat and its routine .

  •  And the others are below :-

Our daily routine 


Sleeping time


Manage stress 

sports/game time  

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